AG : Erlend D. Børve (NTNU, Trondheim) : « Two-term silting and τ-cluster morphism categories »

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AG : Erlend D. Børve (NTNU, Trondheim) : « Two-term silting and τ-cluster morphism categories »

25 janvier 2022 / 13:45 - 14:45

Silting objects characterise derived equivalences of connective dg-algebras. The more restricted class of two-term silting object is inextricably linked with cluster combinatorics. We review the definition and first properties of two-term silting objects in triangulated categories. One can use them to reconstruct τ-cluster morphism categories, introduced by Buan—Marsh (and Buan—Hanson). Certain paths in τ-cluster morphism categories are signed τ-exceptional sequences. Time permitting, we compare the properties of signed τ-exceptional sequences with those of exceptional sequences.

Vidéo de l’exposé

AG : Erlend D. Børve (NTNU, Trondheim) : « Two-term silting and τ-cluster morphism categories »


Date :
25 janvier 2022
Heure :
13:45 - 14:45
Catégorie d’Évènement:


Pierre-Guy Plamondon
Nicolas Perrin
Luc Pirio