EDP : Léon Matar Tine (Univ. Lyon 1) : Mathematical Modeling of salted bevel

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EDP : Léon Matar Tine (Univ. Lyon 1) : Mathematical Modeling of salted bevel

21 avril 2022 / 14:00 - 15:00

In this talk we are interested in the mathematical modeling of the salted bevel. The salted bevel phenomenon,
which is by definition the intrusion of salt water into a body of pure water, is a problem that interests many countries
where drinking water is an increasingly scarce commodity. For these areas, the preservation of underground water
tables against salted water intrusions is a major priority. This presentation aims to the modeling of this salted
bevel phenomenon which consists of a coupling between an equation representing the piezometric load, an equation
for the transport of the salted substance and an equation for the speed following a darcy’s law.
Throughout this presentation we will show the considered model, we will talk about the mathematical analysis and
finally we will investigate the numerical simulations showing the dynamics of the interface between fresh water and
salt water.
This presentation is taken from a work in progress.

EDP : Léon Matar Tine (Univ. Lyon 1) : Mathematical Modeling of salted bevel


Date :
21 avril 2022
Heure :
14:00 - 15:00
Catégorie d’Évènement:


Bâtiment Fermat, salle 4205