AG – séminaire dématérialisé : Carolina Araujo (IMPA – Brazil) : Special subgroups of the Cremona group via Calabi-Yau pairs

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AG – séminaire dématérialisé : Carolina Araujo (IMPA – Brazil) : Special subgroups of the Cremona group via Calabi-Yau pairs

9 juin 2020 / 13:00 - 14:00

The Cremona group in dimension n is the subgroup of birational transformation of the projective space IP^n. Describing the structure of the Cremona group is a major problem in algebraic geometry. While the theory is well developed in dimension 2, little is known in dimension ≥3. A natural problem is to construct special subgroups of the Cremona group. In 2013, Blanc described the subgroup of the Cremona group of the plane that preserves the meromorphic volume form ω= (dx/x) ∧ (dy/y). The form ω has simple poles exactly along the 3 coordinate lines. The pair (IP^2, ω) is an example of a Calabi-Yau pair: a pair (X,D) where X is a complex projective variety, and D is the divisor associated to a meromorphic volume form on X. Calabi-Yau pairs appear naturally in the context of the Minimal Model Program, and have been much investigated.

In this talk, I will explain how one can explore the birational geometry of Calabi-Yau pairs to construct interesting subgroups of the Cremona group in dimension ≥3.

This is joint work with Alessio Corti (London, UK) and Alex Massarenti (Ferrara, Italy).


Slides de l’exposé.


L’exposé sera retransmis via Zoom.

Nom de réunion : « Sem AG du LMV – Carolina Araujo » ; contacter Luc Pirio pour le mot de passe.

AG – séminaire dématérialisé : Carolina Araujo (IMPA – Brazil) : Special subgroups of the Cremona group via Calabi-Yau pairs


Date :
9 juin 2020
Heure :
13:00 - 14:00
Catégorie d’Évènement:


Luc Pirio
Nicolas Perrin