AG : Gil Moss (University of Utah) : Moduli spaces of l-adic Langlands parameters and the Bernstein center

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AG : Gil Moss (University of Utah) : Moduli spaces of l-adic Langlands parameters and the Bernstein center

14 mai 2019 / 11:30 - 12:30

A local Langlands correspondence for n-dimensional l-adic algebraic families of Galois representations has recently been established, demonstrating the compatibility of local Langlands with congruences and deformations. This correspondence amounts to an isomorphism between a moduli space of integral l-adic Galois representations and the integral Bernstein variety for $GL_n$. In this talk we will discuss work in progress with Dat, Helm, and Kurinczuk, toward a generalization of this method to arbitrary reductive groups that split over a tamely ramified extension.

AG : Gil Moss (University of Utah) : Moduli spaces of l-adic Langlands parameters and the Bernstein center


Date :
14 mai 2019
Heure :
11:30 - 12:30
Catégorie d’Évènement:


Bâtiment Fermat, salle 2205
45 avenue des Etats-Unis
Versailles, 78000 France


Luc Pirio
Nicolas Perrin