Workshop : « Theoretical, applied, and computational aspects of hyperbolic partial differential equations »


Workshop LMV 2022: « Theoretical, applied, and computational aspects of hyperbolic partial differential equations »


Christophe Chalons, Université de Versailles, France.

Ernesto Pimentel-García, Université de Versailles, France.


The main objective of this workshop is to bring to Versailles scientists of different countries that are interested in topics related to hyperbolic partial differential equations. We expect from this three-days meeting not only that each participant shows its new contributions but also to create new links between the different research groups present in the workshop.

Practical information

The talks will take place in the Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Versailles (LMV), located in the Bâtiment Fermat in UFR des Sciences Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines.

Address: 45 avenue des États-Unis 78035 Versailles cedex.

Google maps:

We recommend you to use Citymapper instead of Google Maps (it works better with transports).

Dates: 19-21 October 2022. We start at 15:00 on Wednesday and we finish at 13:00 on Friday.

Welcome reception: we meet at the entrance at 14:30.

Duration of the talks: 40 minutes talk + 5 minutes questions.

Hotel recommendations

– La Résidence du Berry (4****):

-Versailles-Chantiers hôtel (3***):

-Hôtel Cheval Rouge (3***):

-Saint-Louis (2**):

Lunches and dinner

  • Lunches (Thursday 20th and Friday 21th) will take place in the UFR des Sciences Université de Versailles.
  • Dinner (Thursday 20th at 20:00) will take place in the restaurant Au petit Marquis. Address: 6 Rue André Chénier, 78000 Versailles. Google maps:

Participants and talks

  1. Christophe Chalons, Université de Versailles, France.
  2. Ernesto Pimentel-García, Université de Versailles, France.
    • Talk: In-cell Discontinuous Reconstruction path-conservative methods for non conservative hyperbolic systems – DR.MOOD generalization.
  3. Alessia Del Grosso, Université de Versailles, France.
    • Talk: Well-balanced implicit-explicit Lagrange-projection schemes for two-layer shallow water equations.
  4. Carlos Parés, Universidad de Málaga, Spain.
    • Talk: High-order fully well-balanced numerical methods for one-dimensional blood flow with discontinuous properties.
  5. Manuel J. Castro, Universidad de Málaga, Spain.
    • Talk: Well-Balanced High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Systems of Balance Laws.
  6. Tomás Morales de Luna, Universidad de Málaga, Spain.
    • Talk: Weighted-residual method for non-hydrostatic free surface flows.
  7. Irene Gómez-Bueno, Universidad de Málaga, Spain.
    • Talk: Implicit and semi-implicit high-order fully well-balanced numerical methods for one-dimensional systems of balance laws.
  8. Celia Caballero-Cárdenas, Universidad de Málaga, Spain.
    • Talk: Implicit and implicit-explicit Lagrange-Projection exactly well-balanced finite-volume schemes for the shallow-water equations.
  9. Raphaël Loubére, Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux, France.
    • Talk: Entropy stable and positivity preserving Godunov-type schemes for multidimensional hyperbolic systems on unstructured grid.
  10. Christophe Berthon, Université de Nantes, France.
    • Talk: Global entropy stability for a class of unlimited high-order schemes for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws.
  11. Julian Koellermeier, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
    • Talk: Shallow water moment models: Hyperbolicity, stability, and numerical methods.
  12. Camilla Fiorini, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France.
    • Talk: Sensitivity analysis for the Euler equations in presence of shocks.
  13. Mathieu Girardin, CEA/DAM/DIF, France.
    • Talk: Implicit Large Eddy Simulation using ARMEN code and second-order schemes based on a relaxation system.
  14. Vivien Desveaux, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, France.
    • Talk: A posteriori quantification of numerical diffusion through an optimization procedure.
  15. Emanuele Macca, University of Catania, Italy.
    • Talk: Well-Balanced Adaptive CAT method for systems of balance laws.
  16. Saray Busto, Universidad de Vigo, Spain.
    • Talk: Thermodinamically compatible schemes for overdetermined systems of hyperbolic PDEs.
  17. Walter Boscheri, University of Ferrara, Italy (Online).
    • Talk: On the Construction of Conservative Semi-Lagrangian IMEX Advection Schemes for Multiscale Time Dependent PDEs.



Workshop : « Theoretical, applied, and computational aspects of hyperbolic partial differential equations »