Publications équipe CRYPTO 2008

  • Jacques Patarin. The coefficients H technique. In Proceedings of SAC. août 2008.
  • Yannick Seurin and Jacques Patarin. Building Secure Block Ciphers on Generic Attacks Assumptions. In Proceedings of SAC. août 2008.
  • Pascal Delaunay and Antoine Joux. Yet Another Attack on Vest. In Proceedings of AFRICACRYPT 5023. juin 2008, 221-235.
  • Olivier Billet, Jacques Patarin and Yannick Seurin. Analysis of Intermediate Field Systems. In Symbolic Computation Conference. avril 2008.
  • Benedikt Gierlichs, Lejla Batina, Christophe Clavier, Thomas Eisenbarth, Aline Gouget, Helena Handschuh, Timo Kasper, Kerstin Lemke-Rust, Stefan Mangard, Amir Moradi and Elisabeth Oswald. Susceptibility of eSTREAM Candidates towards Side Channel Analysis. In SASC. 2008.
  • Christophe Clavier, Benedikt Gierlichs and Ingrid Verbauwhede. Fault Analysis Study of IDEA. In Proceedings of CT-RSA. 2008, 274-287.
  • Stéphane Manuel and Thomas Peyrin. Collisions on SHA-0 in one Hour. In Proceedings of FSE. 2008.
  • Andrey Bogdanov, Gregor Leander, Christof Paar, Axel Poschmann, Matthew Robshaw and Yannick Seurin. Hash Functions and RFID Tags: Mind the Gap. In Proceedings of CHES. 2008.
  • Henri Gilbert, Matthew Robshaw, Yannick Seurin and Shaoyi Yin. How to Encrypt with the LPN Problem. In Proceedings of ICALP. 2008.
  • Olivier Billet, Matthew Robshaw, Yannick Seurin and Shaoyi Yin. Looking Back at a New Hash Function. In Proceedings of ACISP. 2008.
  • Henri Gilbert, Matthew Robshaw and Yannick Seurin. HB#: Increasing the Security and Efficiency of HB+. In Eurocrypt. 2008.
  • Henri Gilbert, Matthew Robshaw and Yannick Seurin. Good Variants of HB+ are Hard to Find. In Financial Crypto. 2008.
  • Blandine Debraize and Louis Goubin. Guess-and-Determine Algebraic Attack on the Self-Shrinking Generator. In Proceedings of FSE. 2008.
  • Alexandre Berzati, Cecile Canovas-Dumas and Louis Goubin. Security against Fault Injection Attacks for CRT-RSA Implementations. In Proceedings of FDTC. 2008.
  • Alexandre Berzati, Cecile Canovas-Dumas and Louis Goubin. Perturbating RSA Public Keys: an Improved Attack. In Proceedings of CHES. 2008. BibTeX
  • Jean-Sebastien Coron, Jacques Patarin and Yannick Seurin. The Random Oracle Model and the Ideal Cipher Model are Equivalent. In Proceedings of CRYPTO. 2008.
  • Jacques Patarin. Proof of security in $O(2^n)$ for the Xor of two random permutations. In ICITS. 2008.
  • Jacques Patarin. A proof of security in $O(2^n)$ for the Benes Scheme. In Proceedings of AFRICACRYPT 5023. 2008, 209-220.
  • David Arditti, Côme Berbain, Olivier Billet, Henri Gilbert and Jacques Patarin. QUAD: a multivariate stream cipher with provable security. Special Edition of the Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2008. to be published.
  • Paul Camion and Jacques Patarin. t-resilient functions and the partial exposure problem. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput 19(2):99-133, 2008.
  • Blandine Debraize. Méthodes de cryptanalyse pour les schémas de chiffrement symétrique. UVSQ, 2008.
Publications équipe CRYPTO 2008