- Journées Singularités et Géométrie Tropicale, Paris 29/09-1/10/2014.
Conférence: Valuations and monomialization of morphisms : http://www.math.univ-paris-diderot.fr/singtrop/
- École Fall school on Resolution of Singularities of Threefolds in Positive Characteristic, Regensburg 1-11/10/2013.
Programme, notes de cours, etc… disponibles sur http://tinyurl.com/CPschool13
- Workshop Recent Trends on the problem of desingularization in positive characteristic, IAM-UAM Madrid 14-16/11/2012.
- École V Escuela Doctoral Intercontinental de Matemáticas PUCP−UVA, Valladolid 17-27/04/2012.
Cours : Singularidades de ecuaciones algebraicas, valoraciones y espacio de valoraciones. http://www.ctri.uva.es/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=694:v-escuela-doctoral&catid=35:realizados&Itemid=45
Notes de cours rédigées par M. Fernández Duque, in « V Escuela Doctoral Intercontinental de Matemáticas PUCP−UVA 2012 », Pontificia Univ. Católica del Perú, Lima (2012), 91−122.
- Congrès Resolution of Singularities and Related Topics, Tordesillas 18-23/09/2011.
Conférence : Axiomatic Patching of Local Uniformizations.http://www5.uva.es/hironaka/
- Congrès Second International Conference and Workshop on Valuation Theory, Segovia et El Escorial 18-29/07/2011.
Conférence: Relative Local Uniformization in Function Fields. http://www.singacom.uva.es/oldsite/seminarios/ConfWorkVT/
- Congrès SING 2010 – Resolution of Singularities Problems, in honor of Vincent Cossart, Tordesillas 15-19/03/2010.