
SufRec, an algorithm for mining association rules: Recursivity and task parallelism (avec M. Pelletier et L. Raimbault), Expert Systems With Applications (2024), Vol 236, 121321,

Association rules and decision rules (avec M. Pelletier et L. Raimbault), Stat. Anal. Data Min.: ASA Data Sci.J. (2023), 1–25.

A recursive algorithm for mining association rules (avec M. Pelletier et L. Raimbault), SN Comput. Sci. 3 (2022), no. 384.

Multivariate compact law of the iterated logarithm for averaged stochastic approximation algorithms ( avec M. Pelletier) Serdica Math. J. 46, 335–356, (2020)

A compact law of the iterated logarithm for online estimator of hazard rate under random censoring ( avec M. Pelletier) Statist. Probab. Lett. 178 (2021)

Online estimation of integrated squared density derivatives ( avec M. Pelletier) Statist. Probab. Lett. 166 (2020)

Recursive estimators of integrated squared density derivatives ( avec M. Pelletier) Statist. Probab. Lett. 157 (2020)

Online estimation of hazard rate under random censoring ( avec M, Douma et M. Pelletier) J. Statist. Plann. Inference 196 (2018), 87–104

Moderate deviations principles for the kernel estimator of nonrandom regression functions ( avec M. Pelletier) Afr. Stat. 11 (2016), no. 2, 995–1021

The multivariate Révész’s online estimator of a regression function and its averaging ( avec M. Pelletier) Math. Methods Statist. 25 (2016), no. 3, 151–167

Testing linear regression models in non regular case (avec Z. Mohdeb) Communications
in Statistics-Theory and Methods., Vol. 44, Issue 21, pp. 4476-4490 (2015)

A generalization of the averaging procedure: the use of two-time-scale algorithms (avec
M. Pelletier) SIAM J. Control Optim., Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 1523-1543 (2011)

Joint behaviour of semirecursive kernel estimators of the location and of the size of the
mode of a probability density function (avec M. Pelletier et B. Thiam) Journal of Prob-
ability and Statistics, 2011 , ID 564297, 27 pages doi:10.1155/2011/564297 (2011)

Revisiting Revesz stochastic approximation method for the estimation of a regression
function, (avec M. Pelletier et Y. Slaoui), ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat., 6, p.
63-114, 2009

The stochastic approximation method for the estimation of a multivariate probability
density, (avec M. Pelletier et Y. Slaoui), Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,
139, No. 7, p. 2459-2478, 2009

On the recursive estimation of the location and of the size of the mode of a probability
density, (avec K. Djeddour et M. Pelletier), Serdica Math. J., 34, no. 3, p. 651-688, 2008

Large and moderate deviations principles for the kernel estimator of the multivariate
regression, (avec M. Pelletier et B. Thiam), Math. Methods Statist., 17, no. 2, p. 146-
172, 2008

Compact law of the iterated logarithm for matrix-normalized sums of random vectors,
(avec M. Pelletier), Theory of Probability and its Applications, 52, p.636-650, 2008

Testing for uniformity by empirical Fourier expansion, (avec K. Djeddour, et M. Pelletier)
Mathematical Methods of Statistics 16, no. 2, 124{141, 2007

A companion for the Kiefer-Wolfowitz-Blum stochastic approximation algorithm, (avec
M. Pelletier), Annals of Statistics, 35, no. 4, p. 1749-1772, 2007

Large and moderate deviations principles for recursive kernel estimators of a multivariate
density and its partial derivatives, (avec M. Pelletier et B. Thiam) Serdica Math. J. 32,
p.323-354, 2006

Condence bands for densities, logarithmic point of view, (avec M. Pelletier), ALEA,
Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 2, p. 231-266, 2006

Limit of Normalized Quadrangulations: the Brownian map, (avec J. F. Marckert), Annals
of Probability, Vol 34, N6, p. 2144-2202, 2006

Convergence rate and averaging of nonlinear two-time-scale stochastic approximation algorithms, (avec M. Pelletier), Annals of Applied Probability, Vol 16, N3, p. 1671-1702,

A large deviations upper bound for the kernel mode estimator, (avec M. Pelletier et J.
Worms), Theory of Probability and its Applications, Tome 50, Vol 1, p. 153-165, 2006

A large deviations upper bound for the kernel mode estimator, (avec M. Pelletier et J.
Worms), Theory of Probability and its Applications, Tome 50, Vol 1, p. 153-165, 2006

Moderate deviations for the kernel mode estimator and some applications, (avec M. Pelletier), Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 135, p. 276-299, 2005

Large and moderate deviations principles for kernel estimation of a multivariate density
and its partial derivatives, (avec M. Pelletier et J. Worms), Australian and New Zealand
Journal of Statistics, 47, p. 489-502, 2005

On the use of nonparametric regression for testing linear hypotheses, (avec Z. Mohdeb),
Ann. I.S.U.P., 48, no. 3, p. 63-77, 2004

Average squared residuals approach for testing linear hypotheses in nonparametric regression, (avec Z. Mohdeb), Journal of Nonparametric Statistics Vol. 16, Numbers 1-2,
p. 3-12, 2004

Lader variables, Internal structure of Galton-Watson trees and Finite branching random
walks, (avec J.F. Marckert), Journal of Appl. Prob., Vol. 40, N3, p. 671-689, 2003

State spaces of the snake and of its tour- Convergence of the discrete snake, (avec J.F.
Marckert), Journal of Theoretical Probability, Vol. 16, n14, p. 1015-1046, 2003

The depth first processes of Galton-Watson trees converge to the same brownian excursion, (avec J.F. Marckert), Annals of Probability, Vol. 31, n3, p. 1655-1678, 2003

The law of the iterated logarithm for the multivariate kernel mode estimator, (avec M.
Pelletier), ESAIM, Probability and Statistics, Vol. 7, p. 1-22, 2003

Testing for hypotheses on the spectral density of time series, SPIE, 4391, p. 259-264,

Testing hypothesis on Fourier coefficients in nonparametric regression model, (avec Z.
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