PS : Quentin Francois (Université Paris Dauphine) : A positive formula for the product of conjugacy classes on the unitary group

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PS : Quentin Francois (Université Paris Dauphine) : A positive formula for the product of conjugacy classes on the unitary group

22 novembre 2024 / 10:00 - 11:00

We describe with a probabilistic viewpoint the convolution product of two conjugacy classes of the unitary group 푈(푛). The description is given in terms of a probability distribution on the space of central measures which admits a density. Relating the convolution to the quantum Littlewood-Richardson coefficients and using recent results describing those coefficients, we give a positive formula for this density. In the same flavor as the hive model of Knutson and Tao, this formula is given in terms of a subtraction-free sum of volumes of explicit polytopes.


PS : Quentin Francois (Université Paris Dauphine) : A positive formula for the product of conjugacy classes on the unitary group


Date :
22 novembre 2024
Heure :
10:00 - 11:00
Catégorie d’Évènement:


Bâtiment Fermat, salle 4205


Ester Mariucci
Emmanuel Rio