PS : Kolyan Ray (Imperial College London) : Bayesian nonparametric inference in a McKean-Vlasov model

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PS : Kolyan Ray (Imperial College London) : Bayesian nonparametric inference in a McKean-Vlasov model

18 octobre / 10:00 - 11:00

We study nonparametric estimation of the interaction term in a McKean-Vlasov model where noisy observations are drawn from the nonlinear parabolic PDE arising in the mean-field limit as the number of interacting particles grows to infinity. In this model, the long-time invariant state can be uninformative about the interaction potential. We therefore show that under certain regularity conditions on the initial state, the short-time behaviour of this system already contains sufficient information to consistently recover the interaction potential using a Bayesian approach.

This is joint work with Richard Nickl and Greg Pavliotis.

PS : Kolyan Ray (Imperial College London) : Bayesian nonparametric inference in a McKean-Vlasov model


Date :
18 octobre
Heure :
10:00 - 11:00
Catégorie d’Évènement:


Bâtiment Fermat, salle 4205


Ester Mariucci
Emmanuel Rio