EDP : Nicolas Vauchelet (Université Paris 13) : Mathematical modeling of the spread of Wolbachia for dengue control

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EDP : Nicolas Vauchelet (Université Paris 13) : Mathematical modeling of the spread of Wolbachia for dengue control

15 novembre 2018 / 14:00 - 15:00

Bacteria Wolbachia has gain a lot of attention since scientists discover that infected mosquitoes with this bacteria cease to transmit some disease like dengue, chikungunya and Zika. Moreover, this bacteria is maternally transmitted from mother to offsprings. Then a strategy of control of dengue transmission consists in releasing Wolbachia infected mosquitoes in the aim to replace to natural population of mosquitoes by infected mosquitoes. In this work, we are concerned with the spatial spread of Wolbachia infected mosquitoes into a host population. We focus on the two following questions : How the spatial repartition of the releases will influence the spread of the bacteria into the population ? Once the spread is initiated, is it possible that environmental characteristics stop the spread ? How to optimize the success of this strategy ?

EDP : Nicolas Vauchelet (Université Paris 13) : Mathematical modeling of the spread of Wolbachia for dengue control


Date :
15 novembre 2018
Heure :
14:00 - 15:00
Catégorie d’Évènement:


Bâtiment Sophie Germain, salle G210


Pierre Gabriel
Tahar Boulezaoud