The last event of the crypto seminar will be dedicated to the ongoing NIST competition on lightweight cryptography. We plan to have different speakers to present both some second round candidates to the competition while also to expose some recent cryptanalysis results on some of the candidate ciphers.
The program of the event is as follows:
- 9h50 – 10h: Opening remarks, Yann Rotella and Christina Boura (UVSQ)
- 10h – 10h15: Introduction to lightweight cryptography, Léo Perrin (Inria)
- 10h15 – 11h25: Presentation of 2-round candidates
- 10h15 – 10h25: Forkcipher, Virginie Lallemand (Loria)
- 10h25 – 10h35: Saturnin, André Schrottenloher (Inria)
- 10h35 – 10h45: Sparkle, Léo Perrin (Inria)
- 10h45 – 10h55: Spook, Sébastien Duval (UVSQ)
- 10h55 – 11h05: Subterranean, Yann Rotella (UVSQ)
- 11h05 – 11h25: Questions, discussions, break
- 11h25 – 12h15: Cryptanalysis
- 11h25-11h45: MixFeed and the AES key schedule, Clara Pernot (Inria)
- 11H45-12H05: Cryptanalysis of Gimli, Antonio Florez Gutierrez (Inria)
- 12h05-12h15: Cryptanalysis ideas for Xoodyak, Yann Rotella (UVSQ)
- 12h15 – 12h45: Questions, discussions, closing remarks
The event will take place online on Zoom. The link to connect is: