
Soutenance de thèse d’Arsen Shezukhov

Bâtiment Fermat, amphi I

Arsen Shezukhov soutient sa thèse intitulée « Rational curves on wonderful compactifications of symmetric spaces », dirigée par Nicolas Perrin le 24 juin 2021. La soutenance aura lieu en amphi I à 13h30, et en visioconférence (lien à venir).

AG : Gil Moss (Univ. of Utah) : « Moduli of Langlands parameters »

Abstract:  The local Langlands correspondence connects representation of p-adic groups to Langlands parameters, which are certain representations of Galois groups of local fields. In recent work with Dat, Helm, and Kurinczuk, we have shown that Langlands parameters, when viewed through

CRYPTO: Luca De Feo (IBM): On the (in)security of ElGamal in OpenPGP

Bâtiment Descartes, salle 301

Do you think you know ElGamal encryption? Think twice. We uncover vulnerabilities in the OpenPGP ecosystem stemming from confusion about the definition of ElGamal encryption (and the lack of an unequivocable standard). The first vulnerability leads to practical plaintext recovery