Based on "General Practical Cryptanalysis of the Sum of Round-Reduced Block Ciphers and ZIP-AES": Antonio Flórez-Gutiérrez, Lorenzo Grassi, Gregor Leander, Ferdinand Sybleyras and Yosuke Todo, presented at ASIACRYPT 2024. In recent years, there has been an increased interest in the
Consider the variety Comm_n of pairs of commuting n by n matrices, it is invariant under the action of GL_n on the space of pairs of all matrices, by simultaneous conjunction. The natural algebraic structure to associate with is equivariant
First of a series of lectures on Bernt Tore Jensen, Alastair King, Xiuping Su, A categorification of Grassmannian cluster algebras, arXiv:1309.7301
Résumé : La cryptanalyse est un domaine de recherche consistant en l’étude approfondie du niveau de sécurité apporté par les constructions cryptographiques. Au travers d’exemples détaillés ou de points de vue plus génériques, nous voyagerons au pays des techniques de
Abstract: The development of PDE models capable of describing tumor growth may help to monitor disease progression or predict the efficacy of different therapeutic strategies. However, to be truly informative or predictive, these models need to be corrected and/or parameterized
Abstract : Self-similar solutions for the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation are of both physical and mathematical interest. On the physical side, among several applications, they model the formation of sharp corners in planar vortex patches. Mathematically, they describe the asymptotic
We study data-dependent uniform generalization bounds by approaching the problem from a PAC-Bayesian perspective. We first apply the PAC-Bayesian framework on ``random sets'' in a rigorous way, where the training algorithm is assumed to output a data-dependent hypothesis set after
Neural network compression has been an increasingly important subject, not only due to its practical relevance, but also due to its theoretical implications, as there is an explicit connection between compressibility and generalization error. In this talk, I will present