
CRYPTO : Luca de Feo (LMV) : Exploring Isogeny Graphs – HDR defense

Bâtiment Descartes, amphi B

Motivated by the recent applications of isogeny graphs in cryptography, we review topics related to isogenies of elliptic curves defined over finite fields, and their computations. Isogeny graphs come in two families: complex multiplication (CM) and supersingular. CM graphs enjoy

CRYPTO : Antonin Leroux (UVSQ) : Efficient Proactive Multi-Party Computation

Bâtiment Descartes, salle 301

Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) allows a set of "n" distrusting parties to compute functions on their private inputs while guaranteeing secrecy of inputs while ensuring correctness of the computation. Most MPC protocols can achieve such security only against a minority