The “Cryptology and Information Security” team was born with the arrival of Jacques Patarin at the UVSQ in 2001 and was reinforced in 2004 when Louis Goubin and Antoine Joux joined it. Joined the trio Michaël Quisquater in 2006, Nicolas Gama in 2010, Luca De Feo in 2011 and Christina Boura in 2013. In 2013 Antoine Joux became the Chair of Cryptology at the UPMC Partnership Foundation.
In its research activity, the team aims to widely cover the various themes of academic research in cryptology, public key and secret key cryptography, cryptanalysis, security of implementations, number theory, multivariable cryptography, hash functions …
The “Cryptology and Information Security” team brings its specificity in the teaching of mathematics and computer science at the UVSQ and, for a few years, the university has offered several training courses with a part devoted to cryptology and IT security. In particular, the applied algebra research master offers a full course in cryptology. It has just been completed by a professional master, called SeCReTS.
In order to contribute to the national and international recognition of the team, its members are also involved in research support activities. In particular, the team includes ten doctoral students; four are doing their thesis at UVSQ, the other four being based in companies or other laboratories. If you want to join the team to do an internship, a thesis, a postdoctoral fellowship, a project, don’t hesitate to contact one of the permanent staff.
Finally, we regularly organize a seminar dedicated to cryptography and IT security. This seminar, open to all, generally takes place on Wednesdays. The program, as well as the list of seminars from previous years, is available here. To intervene in this, by presenting your research or your industrial developments, please contact the managers.
Research topics
The CRYPTO group’s research activity has been developing for several years on the following fundamental axes:
- Asymmetric diagrams (elliptic curves, couplings, multivariable polynomials, networks, …);
- Security proofs for secret key or public key protocols;
- Design and cryptanalysis of hash functions and block cipher algorithms;
- Auxiliary channel attacks: modeling and countermeasures;
- Cryptography and intensive computing, cryptanalysis, Gröbner bases, reduction of networks.
Scientific project (2015-2019)
The scientific objectives are articulated in 4 research axes (with many interactions):
- Axis 1: Fundamental algorithms for cryptography
- Axis 2: Proven constructions in symmetric cryptography
- Axis 3: Cryptographic algorithms and protocols for emerging applications
- Axis 4: Cryptographic methods for the security of embedded codes
– Seminars and working groups:
- CRYPTO seminars
– Projects
– Publications:
- Archives
- Publications from 2016: HAL-LMV
Members of the team
– Manager : Louis Goubin
– Teachers and Directors of Research
Balthazar Bauer | Chaire Professeur Junior |
Goubin Louis | PR |
Patarin Jacques | PR |
– Assistant Professors and Research Officers
Quisquater Michaël | MCF |
Rotella Yann | MCF |
– PhD student and post-doc
Azevedo-Oliveira Paco | Doctorant, thèse CIFRE |
Beraud Jordan | Doctorant |
Boudi Anas | Doctorant, thèse CIFRE |
Chopin Gaël | Doctorant |
Funk Margot | Ingénieure pédagogique CDD |
Saab Chatrouni Maya | Doctorante, thèse CIFRE |
Sarde Vladimir | Doctorant, thèse CIFRE |
Varjabedian Pierre | Doctorant, thèse CIFRE |
– Volunteer collaborator
Gelin Alexandre | Chercheur associé, professeur agrégé |
Gilbert Henri | Chercheur associé, ANSSI |
– Former members
Former members before the CRYPTO team joined the laboratory in 2016.
The people who left the team afterwards are listed in the former members of the laboratory.
Mehdi-Laurent Akkar |
Aurélie Bauer |
Anja Becker |
Naomi Benger |
Alexandre Berzati |
Olivier Billet |
Peter Birkner |
Guilhem Castagnos |
Maria Christofi |
Christophe Clavier |
Léonard Dallot |
Blandine Debraize |
Pascal Delaunay |
Jonathan Etrog |
Christophe Giraud |
Sorina Ionica |
Malika Izabachène |
Antoine Joux |
Benjamin Justus |
Rodolphe Lampe |
Ronan Lashermes |
Ange Martinelli |
Jean-Michel Masereel |
Audrey Montreuil |
Johan Nielsen |
Thomas Peyrin |
Jérôme Plût |
Jean-René Reinhard |
Antoine Rojat |
Yannick Seurin |
Renaud Tabary |
Joana Treger |
Bastien Vayssière |
Vanessa Vitse |
Emmanuel Volte |