Analysis and partial differential equations (EDP)

The team works on many areas of partial differential equations. Some of our research work are either applied to other fields such as biology, mechanics, physics, or are collaboration with colleagues from these disciplines.

Research Topics

The main research topics are :

  • numerical analysis, modeling, simulation
  • control and inverse problems, data assimilation
  • qualitative properties of EDP solutions
  • optimization
  • mathematics for physics, fluid and solid mechanics, environment, biology, medicine


PDE Days and Seminar



IMOSE : research partnership project
to support companies in their performance and optimization process.

– International collaborations :

  • “Asymptotic dynamics driven by solitons and traveling fronts in nonlinear PDE”, 11-15 July 2011, Santiago, Chile (Programme)
  • Co-responsibility between the project PICS ENS Paris and the University of Bilbao (Spain) since 2001.
  • The team is responsible for several international cooperation agreements such as: a cooperation agreement with Iran, the coordination of a European ALFA contract with Brazil, Chile, Spain and Italy, a project ECOS -CONICYT cooperation with the University of Chile.

Team Members

Manager : Christophe Chalons

Professors and Directors of Research

Boulakia MurielPR
Chalons Christophe PR
Dumas Laurent PR
Kavian Otared PR émérite
Martel Yvan PR
Puel Jean-Pierre PR émérite
Robbiano Luc PR
Vannucci Paolo PR


Assistant Professors and PRAG

Boulmezaoud Tahar MCF - HDR
Cieutat Philippe PRAG à la retraite
Nersesyan VahagnMCF - HDR, en détachement
Nodet MaëlleMCF - HDR
Poirier Christine MCF
Tixier MireilleMCF
Tseveendori Ider MCF - HDR


PhD student, ATER, post-doc

Bousquet RémiDoctorant
Courtin VictorDoctorant
El Abdouni AdilDoctorant
Grosjean ElisePost-doctorante
James Corrie Doctorante
Jellouli Melek CDD
Letaief ZainebDoctorante
Manach BastienDoctorant
Rialland GuillaumeDoctorant


Volunteer collaborator

Cerf Max EADS Astrium Space Transportation