
I. Current research projects

  • OpenDreamkit, EU H2020 project [2015-2019]

Partners: UVSQ, Université Paris-Sud, CNRS, Jacobs University Bremen, Université Joseph Fourier, University of Kaiserslautern, University of Oxford, University of Silesia, University of Sheffield, University of Southampton, University of St Andrews, University of Warwick, Universität Zürich , Logilab, Simula Research Laboratory

Scientific responsible for the UVSQ project: Luca DE FEO

Description: OpenDreamKit is a Horizon 2020 European Research Infrastructure project (# 676541) that will run for four years, starting from September 2015. It will provide substantial funding to the open source computational mathematics ecosystem, and in particular popular tools such as LinBox, MPIR , SageMath, GAP, Pari / GP, LMFDB, Singular, MathHub, and the IPython / Jupyter interactive computing environment.

From this ecosystem, OpenDreamKit will deliver a flexible toolkit enabling research groups to set up Virtual Research Environments, customized to meet the varied needs of research projects in pure mathematics and applications, and supporting the full research life-cycle from exploration, through proof and publication , to archival and sharing of data and code.



  • BRUTUS, ANR project [2014-2018]

Partners: UVSQ, ANSSI, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, Lille 1, Rennes 1, Orange

Scientific responsible for the UVSQ project: Michaël QUISQUATER

Description: The BRUTUS project aims to evaluate and design authenticated encryption algorithms. First, a cryptographic analysis of the candidates for the CAESAR call will be carried out. In a second step, the design of such algorithms resistant to attacks by hidden channels or in white boxes will be considered.


  • CRYPTOCOMP, FUI project (Unique Interministerial Fund) [2014-2017] Labeled by the System @ tic competitiveness cluster

Partners: UVSQ, CEA LIST, CryptoExperts, ENS, Dictao, XLIM, ViAccess Orca, CNRS Lab-STICC, Bertin Technologies, Kalray, Gemalto

Scientific responsible for the UVSQ project: Louis GOUBIN

Description: The CRYPTOCOMP project aims to develop the first real cryptocalcul platform for the cloud. Several times exploratory, CRYPTOCOMP relies on the multi-disciplinarity of its consortium to design innovative software tools allowing service operators to develop and concretely instrument cryptocomputing applications at very low software engineering cost.


  • IdealCodes, Digiteo project [2014-2016]

Partners: Ecole Polytechnique, UVSQ

Scientific responsible for the UVSQ project: Luca DE FEO

Description: Coppersmith’s methods for coding theory and cryptography


  • CLE, ANR Young Researchers project [2013-2017]

Partners: INRIA / ENS, UVSQ, LIASD, INRIA, UCL, Thales

Scientific head of the UVSQ project: Nicolas GAMA

Description: Cryptography from Learning with Errors


  • ARGC, Digiteo project [2013-2016]

Partners: Ecole Polytechnique, UVSQ

Scientific responsible for the UVSQ project: Luca DE FEO

Description: Fast Arithmetic for Geometry and Cryptology


II. Completed research projects

  • PRINCE, ANR project [2010-2014]

Partners: ENS Paris, UVSQ, Oberthur, Gemalto, Ingenico, Tranef

Scientific manager for UVSQ: Jacques PATARIN

Description: The objective of the project is to design new cryptographic systems and new countermeasures with a proven level of security against all possible hidden channel attacks, and with an implementation verified by formal method tools. It is an industrial research project that brings together researchers in theoretical cryptography with industry experts in embedded systems security.


  • MARSHAL +, FUI project (Single Interministerial Fund) [2012-2014]

Labeled by the System @ tic and SCS competitiveness clusters (“Secure Communicating Solutions” = global competitiveness cluster)

Partners: EADS, CryptoExperts, Télécom ParisTech, Université Bordeaux 1 (LaBRI), UVSQ, IRPI, INVIA, Tranef, Université de Limoges (XLIM), Secure IC, Inside Secure

Scientific manager for UVSQ: Louis GOUBIN

Description: The aim of the MARSHAL project is to design and produce a portable security prototype which resists all known reverse-engineering attacks. As part of the project, this experimental product will be designed for access control to digital data; but it must also be extensible in order to be able to provide other security services (bank authentication, electronic wallet, etc.). The MARSHAL project is also interested in the societal aspects of piracy and will therefore study the legal issues associated with reverse engineering in order to develop a theory of the legality of reverse engineering.


  • ECLIPSES, ANR VERSO project [2009-2012] Labeled by the System @ tic competitiveness cluster

Partners: Gemalto, Invia, UVSQ, CryptoExperts, CEA-Leti

Project manager for UVSQ: Louis GOUBIN

Description: ECLIPSES aims to design a hardware platform specific to cryptographic applications based on elliptic curves. The cryptographic coprocessor targeted will support the basic operations (addition and doubling of points, scalar multiplication, bilinear coupling, etc.) over a wide range of different curves. The ECLIPSES cryptoprocessor aims to transparently resist all types of known physical attacks using analysis by hidden channels and by injection of faults, thereby guaranteeing the industrial interest of the deployed cryptographic applications. We will emphasize the need to comply with the constraints of the embedded: minimum consumption, limited area, etc., by aiming for a hardware implementation in less than 10,000 logic gates. ECLIPSES will thus contribute to the deployment of elliptical curves in the on-board security industry.


  • TISPHANIE, FUI project (Single Interministerial Fund) [2009-2011] Labeled by the System @ tic competitiveness cluster

Partners: UVSQ, Bertin Technologies, CEA-Leti, EADS, Ecole Nationale des Mines de Saint-Etienne, Gemalto, Trusted Labs, Trusted Logic, University of Limoges (XLIM), Ministry of the Interior

Project manager for UVSQ: Louis GOUBIN

Description: The main goal of the TISPHANIE project is to offer a structured methodology and as systematic as possible, the security assessment tools and processes allowing to be able to give a priori to the users concerned (mobile operators, application developers, police laboratories). , ..) a rapid assessment of the security of the “key components” of mobile phones, PDAs, PMR terminals, etc. used for critical applications.


  • SAPHIR2, ANR VERSO project [2008-2012] Labeled by the System @ tic competitiveness cluster

Partners: Orange (France Telecom), Gemalto, Cryptolog International, EADS Security Networks, Sagem Sécurité, LINKS, INRIA, UVSQ, DCSSI

Project managers for UVSQ: Louis GOUBIN & Antoine JOUX

Description: The SAPHIR2 project is an applied research project, the objectives of which are as follows:

– follow and participate in the NIST SHA-3 competition (cryptanalysis, implementations, optimizations, etc.);
– support the candidates proposed by the RNRT SAPHIR project (France Telecom, Gemalto, LIENS, Cryptolog, DCSSI) and by the new partners of SAPHIR2 (EADS, Sagem, INRIA, UVSQ);
– continue research on hash functions.


  • ECRYPT II, ​​European network of excellence in cryptology, IST-FP7 project [2008-2012]

Partners: 11 main members (KULeuven, RUBochum, Univ. Bristol, ENS, EPFL, France Telecom, IBM Research Zurich, Royal Holloway Univ of London, TUEindhoven, TUGraz and Univ. Of Salerno) + 26 associate members (including UVSQ)

Project managers for UVSQ: Louis GOUBIN, Antoine JOUX & Jacques PATARIN

Description: The objective of the ECRYPT II network of excellence is to strengthen and integrate research in cryptology in Europe, and thus fight against the dispersion of efforts. The aim is to improve the state of the art of cryptology, to develop a common infrastructure for the evaluation of cryptographic schemes, and to promote dissemination, in particular by the organization of summer schools, symposia, and participation in international standards organizations.


  • SECURE ALGORITHM, FUI project (Single Interministerial Fund) [2008-2010] Labeled by the System @ tic competitiveness cluster

Partners: Oberthur Card Systems, Thales, Nagra, ENST, Paris VIII, UVSQ

Scientific manager for UVSQ: Michaël QUISQUATER

Description: The main objective of this project is to design primitives and cryptographic algorithms leading to efficient secure implementations for embedded systems.


  • COPRIM, ANR Telecommunications project [2008-2010] Labeled by the Minalogic competitiveness cluster

Partners: CEA-LETI, Inside Contactless, UVSQ, UPMF (Grenoble)

Scientific responsible for the UVSQ project: Louis GOUBIN

Description: The aim of the project is to propose relevant and economically viable solutions, guaranteeing both the security of contactless cards and the protection of privacy, in order to give full control to the user and by that of maintaining the confidence he has in these electronic objects.


  • ODYSSEE, ANR Telecommunications project [2007-2009] Labeled by the System @ tic competitiveness cluster

Partners: Gemalto, UVSQ, CEA-LETI

Scientific responsible for the UVSQ project: Louis GOUBIN

Description: The main goal of the project is to select, analyze and secure the implementation of flow encryption algorithms against physical attacks.


  • CrySCoE, ANR SSIA project (Security, Embedded Systems & Ambient Intelligence) [2006-2009]

Partners: UVSQ, ENS, University Bordeaux I (LaBRI)

Coordinator of the whole project: Louis GOUBIN (UVSQ)

Description: This project aims to extend the concepts of security and attacks to the case of computer programs executed on embedded systems (code obfuscation, code authenticity, …). We are particularly interested in architectures aimed at externalizing executable code, i.e., such that the executed code is downloaded as and when it is executed, block by block, from a remote server.


  • “Cryptography and intensive computing”, Project DGA / REI 05C0016 (Innovative exploratory research) [2006-2008]

Partners: PRiSM Laboratory / LRC ITACA Laboratory (UVSQ)

Project manager for UVSQ: Louis GOUBIN


  • X-CRYPT, RNRT project [2004-2006]

Partners: France Telecom, Axalto, ENS, Inria, Cryptolog, UVSQ

Coordinator of the whole project: Louis GOUBIN (UVSQ)
Project manager for UVSQ: Jacques PATARIN

Description: The aim of this project was to build a set of cryptographic tools suitable for high speed telecommunications networks. In particular, wireless networks cause new problems in terms of security, must face new types of attacks and require the installation of suitable security mechanisms.


  • “Technology center at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines”, ACI Cryptology project [2001-2005]

Project manager for UVSQ: Jacques PATARIN