Journées Equations aux dérivées partielles et controle 2011-2012

mardi 19 juin 2012

en amphi I, de 15h à 16h

  • Zaid Dauhoo : On The Dynamics of Illicit Drug Consumption In a Given Society
We present and analyse a model that describes the illicit drug usage dynamics in a population consisting of both drug users and non-users. Three categories of drug users are considered, namely, the experimental category, the recreational category and the addict category. In this model, consumption of drugs such as Cannabis is considered and the model describes the dynamics of the non (N), experimental (E), recreational (R) and addict (A) user categories, respectively, within a given population. We term it as the NERA model (N: non-users, E: experimental, R: recreational users, A: addicts).

We then discuss and analyse the stability of the critical points when drug consumption is (i) legal and (ii) illegal in the society.

Our analysis reveals the existence of a drug-free equilibrium under certain conditions. The model can eventually be used as a policy control mechanism in tackling the consumption of illicit drugs in a given society.

lundi 7 novembre 2011

Les exposés auront lieu en salle 2202 de 13h45 à 16h15.

  • 13h45-14h15 – Laurent Dumas : Une nouvelle approche pour l’optimisation numérique en grande dimension
  • 15h15-14h45 – Otared Kavian : A la recherche d’un modèle pour l’électroporation
  • 14h45-15h15 – Jimena Royo-Letelier : Ségrégation et brisure de symétrie dans les condensats de Bose-Einstein à deux composants.
  • 15h15-15h45 – Hisashi Nishiyama : Remarks on the Schrodinger equation on Zoll manifolds
  • 15h45-16h15 – Tahar Boulmezaoud : La transformation de Fourier est une isométrie sur certains espaces de Sobolev à poids.
Journées Equations aux dérivées partielles et controle 2011-2012